Ladybird Expert Book of Climate Change

June 21, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Said Business School
Oxford OX1 1HP
Oxfordshire Science Festival
01865 810 016

Join environmentalist Tony Juniper, who along with climate scientist Emily Shuckburgh
and HRH The Prince of Wales, reviewed the history, dangers and challenges of global
warming and possible solutions for reducing its impact. Their Ladybird Expert Book
presents the causes and consequences of climate disruption including heatwaves,
floods and other extreme weather, disappearing wildlife and acid oceans. Alongside
the threats, this event will discuss sustainable farming, new clean technologies and the
circular economy.

HRH The Prince of Wales has been an environmental leader for over forty years, working with businesses, charities and others to help promote sustainable ways of living and working.
Emily Shuckburgh is Deputy Head of the Polar Oceans Team at the British Antarctic Survey and a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society
Tony Juniper, President of the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts, is an independent environmentalist and writer.