Life-Writing Workshop: on the theme of ‘Emotional Lives’ with Dame Prof. Hermione Lee and Prof. Patrick Hayes

February 13, 2016 @ 9:30 am – 4:45 pm
Leonard Wolfson Auditorium, Wolfson College
Linton Rd
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 6UL
£100 / £60
Oxford Centre for Life-Writing

This Workshop will focus on the challenges that life-writers face in constructing narratives about their own or their subject’s emotional lives. It is intended for postgraduate students working in life-writing as well as professional or non-professional life-writers, irrespective of the stage of their research. Amongst other life-writing-related issues, the Workshop will deal with: ways in which we might approach writing about relationships, how we tackle the difficulties of narrating and interpreting emotional states when documentation might be unreliable, or non-existent, and how we might negotiate the changing interpretation and memory of emotional responses to people and past events over time. The Workshop will be led by renowned life-writers Hermione Lee and Patrick Hayes, Elleke Boehmer and Kate Kennedy. All delegates are asked to bring a short piece of text (anything from a poem to a tweet) that captures something of their own emotional life, or that of their subject.