Lincoln Leads Seminar 8: What are the Limits of the Law?

March 8, 2018 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Lincoln College
Turl St
Oxford OX1 3DQ
Paul Stephens

Welcome to the Lincoln Leads Seminar Series 2018.

The final seminar in the series explores the question:
What are the Limits of the Law?

Tickets are free, but must be booked in advance. All welcome.

Dr. Barbara Havelková (Fellow at Lincoln College, Oxford)
Shabana Mahmood (MP for Birmingham Ladywood)
Lukas Wagner (MSc. Law & Finance)

When: Thursday, 8th March, 5.45 – 7pm. Wine Reception from 5pm
Where: Oakeshott Room, Lincoln College, Turl St, Oxford
Organiser and Chair: Paul Stephens, MCR Academic Representative ( [email protected] )


The Lincoln Leads Seminar Series 2018 takes place on Thursday evenings during Hilary term at Lincoln College, Oxford. Each panel features an Alumnus/na, a Fellow, and a Student of the College, who will respond to a topical question linked to their research or professional experience. Following a wine reception at 5pm, each seminar will start at 5.45pm, culminating in a lively Q&A session. We have a fantastic group of panellists scheduled for the series, who aim to invite non-specialist audiences into their spheres of expertise. We therefore hope that you are eager to join them in conversation, and learn more about the exciting and diverse research connected to Lincoln.

Please see below for further details of our speakers:

Dr Barbara Havelková is the Shaw Foundation Fellow in Law at Lincoln College, Oxford. After completing degrees at Charles University, Saarland University, and the University of Oxford, she worked at Clifford Chance Prague, trained at the Legal Service of the European Commission and in the Chambers of AG Poiares Maduro at the Court of Justice of the European Union, and held academic posts at Oxford and Cambridge. Her research interests include gender legal studies, feminist jurisprudence, and constitutional and EU law, and her book ‘Gender Equality in Law: Uncovering the Legacies of Czech State Socialism’, was published by Hart/Bloomsbury in 2017. Barbara is also an advisor to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on issues of gender and law.

Shabana Mahmood is the Labour Party Member of Parliament for Birmingham, Ladywood, a position she has held since the 2010 general election. She graduated from Lincoln College with a degree in law, and later completed the Bar Vocational Course at the Inns of Court School of Law with a scholarship by Gray’s Inn to become a practicing Barrister. Since entering parliament, Shabana has held many key posts. In 2010 she was appointed as Shadow Home Affairs Minister, later becoming a Shadow Business Minister in 2011, before moving to the shadow treasury team in 2013. Following the 2015 general election, she was appointed Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and in 2016 was elected to the PLP’s National Executive Committee, the PLP’s National Policy Forum, and the International Trade Select Committee. Shabana is currently the chair of the PLP’s Justice Group and a member of the Reform Working Group for BME representation.

Lukas Wagner is reading for an MSc in Law and Finance as a scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service. His research interests include financial regulation and financial technology. He is a German qualified lawyer, and studied Law and Comparative Law at the Universities of Munich and Mainz (Germany), as well as the University of Rome Tor Vergata. During his practical legal training, he worked for Clifford Chance in Frankfurt, the German Consulate General Hong Kong, and the European Commission in Brussels. Before coming to Oxford, Lukas was a Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Mainz. He is currently the President of the Oxford Fintech & SmartLaw Society.