Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QR
Come to a panel discussion to try and answer the question “When does criticism of Islam become Islamophobic?”
This will be a wide-ranging exploration of Islamophobia in the UK today, with a focus on Atheist, Secular and Humanist discourse. There will be many opportunities for questions and points from the floor.
– KENAN MALIK is an Indian-born English writer and neurobiologist. He has written widely about the philosophy of biology, and about contemporary theories of multiculturalism, pluralism and race. He is a distinguished supporter of the British Humanist Association.
– ANNE MARIE WATERS is the spokesperson for the One Law For All campaign, which campaigns against Sharia Law in the UK. She is a council member of the National SecularSociety.
– SAIF RAHMAN is founder of Humanist and Cultural Muslim Association and author of the Islamist Delusion.
– The fourth panelist wishes to remain anonymous.
Entry is FREE for OxASH members, and £3 for non-members. Memberships can be bought on the door.