Psychedelic Medicine: From taboo to treatment

February 7, 2017 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Harris Lecture Theatre, Oriel College
Alex O'Bryan-Tear

*If you can’t make this time, this talk is also being hosted by the Oxford Psychology Society on Wednesday 8th, 7:30pm in the Corpus Christi Auditorium! If you can’t make either time, post below to register for the mailing list to hear about future psychedelic therapy and policy events!*

Psychedelic drugs carry no significant health risks.
In fact, they have extraordinary therapeutic value.
So why are they criminalized and demonized by popular culture?

Alex O’Bryan-Tear is the Science Officer for the Beckley Foundation, a non-profit think-tank which collaborates with many labs to research psychedelic drugs, and lobbies the government for evidence-based drug reform. Psychedelic drug research has been frozen by legal restrictions for forty years, but thanks to gradual reform efforts, is finally beginning to take off again. He’ll talk about a number of incredible studies that have recently been published: brain imaging studies that show, for the first time, the neuroscience of a psychedelic trip, and clinical trials which suggest that psychedelics might prove to be the world’s most powerful treatments for conditions such as depression, addiction, anxiety, and OCD. He’ll show that the arguments for evidence-based drug reform go beyond our rights to change our consciousness as we wish; they could trigger a much-needed revolution in mental health.