Wadham College
University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 3PN
As students, sleep is often the first thing we compromise. The Oxford all-nighter has become a right of passage and I know I can determine what week by how many layers of concealer I put under my eyes. But University life needn’t be a rollercoaster of caffeine and exhaustion; just because the work never stops doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to.
Sleep experts Dr. Bryony Sheaves and Dr. Kate Porcheret will be joining us to discuss the importance of sleep and its relationship to maintaining physical and mental wellbeing. This talk will outline the neurological consequences of disrupted sleep as well as sleep’s essential role sleep plays in consolidating learning and supporting emotional resiliance. Better still, this is an opportunity for us all to learn how to get a better night’s sleep.
Following this, we are lucky to have a representative from NightLine who will be answering any of your questions about what this incredible service can do for you.