Using Mathematics to Understand the World (Prof Terezinha Nunes)

October 25, 2017 @ 8:15 pm – 9:30 pm
Saskatchewan room, Exeter College
Turl St
Oxford OX1
Free to members; £2 non-members
Oxford University Scientific Society

Terezinha Nunes is Emeritus Professor of Educational Studies and a Fellow of Harris-Manchester College. She started her career as a clinical psychologist in Brazil and moved to a research career by obtaining a doctorate in Psychology at City University of New York, where she was supported by a Fulbright Scholarship.

Her work spans the domains of children’s literacy and numeracy, including both hearing and deaf children’s learning, and her focus of analysis covers cognitive and cultural issues, with a special interest in educational applications. Her work on “street mathematics” in Brazil uncovered many features of children’s and adults’ informal knowledge, and her subsequent work in the U.K. investigates how this informal knowledge can be used in education. Her literacy research focuses on the connections between morphological awareness, spelling and vocabulary growth.

Free for OUSS members; £2 for non-members.
Membership can be bought on the door: £10 for a year or £20 for life. Includes membership of Cambridge Uni SciSoc
Refreshments will be served afterwards.
See you there!