Women and Bicycling Festival

March 4, 2017 @ 9:30 am – March 5, 2017 @ 5:30 pm
East Oxford Community Centre
44 Princes St
Oxford OX4 1DD
Weekend tickets £45/Early Bird £35/Day and concession tickets available
Broken Spoke

Broken Spoke Bike Co-op and The Adventure Syndicate invite you to a two-day festival celebrating the many wonderful ways in which women and bicycles are changing the world. Women & Bicycles will be the largest event of its kind the UK has ever seen!
With a glittering cast of speakers, including cycling celebrities and up-and-coming heroes, practical workshops to help you put your cycling ambitions into action, guided rides for all levels, yoga classes for the flexible and inflexible, delicious food, a chance to try out clothing and accessories especially designed for women, and dozens of new friends, allies and riding buddies.
Speakers will include author and veteran cycle tourer Josie Dew, children’s bicycle revolutionary Isla Rowntree of Islabikes, award-winning cycle trainer Maryam Amatullah, designer and founder of Findra clothing Alex Feechan, founder of the Cycle Touring Festival Laura Moss, and creator of Cycle Sprog Karen Gee.