“Attacks on the Press: The New Face of Censorship”

April 25, 2017 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Lady Margaret Hall
Oxford OX2 6QA
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Join the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, in partnership with the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), for the launch of the 2017 edition of:

“Attacks on the Press: The New Face of Censorship”

Among the threats that journalists and the media face are the erosion of what have long been seen as establishes protections, the targeting of journalists by terrorists to limit news coverage, the imprisonment of reporters and photographers who refuse to toe the official line, withholding access to officials and public documents online harassment, and the wielding of financial leverage such as advertising and credit scores. Efforts to suppress the free press are becoming more complex – and arguably, more pervasive – than ever before.

Attacks on the Press is a comprehensive guide to the state of press freedom around the globe, and within its pages, journalists and media observers examine these new abuses, expose nations that violate press freedom with impunity, and provide potential solutions – including guidance on possible work-around, on how to ensure the safety of journalists and their sources, and how to fight against the powers that seek to silence criticism and call into question the media’s credibility.

The report will be introduced by Joel Simon, Executive Director of CPJ, followed by a panel discussion, Q&A, then a drinks reception.

The panellists include –
Joel Simon, Executive Director of CPJ
Alan Rusbridger, Former editor in Chief of The Guardian, author of “Fiscal Blackmail” chapter in this report
Lindsey Hilsum, Channel 4 News’ International Editor and the author of ‘Sandstorm; Libya in the Time of Revolution’
Chair: Razia Iqbal, Special Correspondent, BBC