British Diplomacy and Negotiation – Sir Frank Berman

May 24, 2017 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Saskatcehewan Room, Exeter College
Turl St
Oxford OX1 3DQ
£3 for non-members
Oxford International Relations Society

Sir Frank Berman is a distinguished diplomat and civil servant. After a Rhodes Scholarship to Wadham College, he joined Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service, and from 1965-1971 served as an assistant legal advisor for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He served as legal advisor for the British Military Government of Berlin from 1971–72, and at the British Embassy in Bonn from 1972-74. He has been a legal counsellor for the FCO and counsellor for the UK Mission to the United Nations from, and in 1983 was J C Smith Visiting Fellow at the University of Nottingham. He served first as deputy legal advisor, then as legal advisor for the FCO from 1988-99, and was made an honorary Queen’s Counsel in 1992. Since joining Essex Street Chambers in 2000, he has specialised in international arbitration and advisory work in international law, serving as a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration since 2010. He is a visiting professor of international law at the University of Oxford, the University of Cape Town, and King’s College London, and has won numerous awards.