Queen's Ln
Oxford OX1
How does the curriculum shape our society? Who decides what is important? How can it be improved? Our diverse panel of academics, activists and educators will dive into these and other questions related to the decolonisation of our curriculum.
Karma Nabulsi is Fellow in Politics at St Edmund Hall, lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) and UCU’s Equality Officer at the University.
She has won OUSU’s Special Recognition Award and the Guardian’s ‘Inspiring Leader’ award for her active involvement in improvement to education, including the open-access online course learnpalestine.politics.ox.ac.uk and the reform of the university’s PREVENT policy.
Neha Shah chairs the Oxford SU Campaign for Racial Awareness and Equality (CRAE) and Preventing Prevent Oxford. She organised the “Decolonise Oxford Now” rally. Previously, Neha was the BME rep at St Peter’s college. As part of this role, she set up a scholarship for refugees. She also writes for the New Statesman.
Nomfundo Ramalekana is an MPhil student in law, focussing on affirmative action. She is an active member of the Rhodes Must Fall movement.