Far-Left and Far-Right Politics: The New Threat to Liberalism

November 3, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Kennedy Room (JHB 308), John Henry Brookes Building
Headington Rd
Oxford OX3
Harvir Dhillon

Haydar Zaki is outreach officer for the Quilliam Foundation and works extensively on projects that aim to promote values integral to Quilliam’s ethos, such as universal human rights.

His outreach work primarily involves working with universities and university societies. This includes establishing Quilliam university societies with students dedicated to upholding values of human rights and freedom of speech, through pro-freedom of speech campaigns such as #Right2Debate campaign. All university outreach is conducted with the intended aim of both keeping freedom of speech in universities intact, and challenging extremist narratives through an empowered student community.

He has participated in many outreach events at universities and schools with his main area of expertise being the role ideology plays in influencing the psychological outlook of an individual and their environment. He is also an avid campaigner for global democracy, social justice, secular democracy in Iraq and ending intra-Muslim discrimination.

This talk will discuss the role of identity politics and some of the dangers it poses.