Film screening of the documentary Dreamland by Sámi anthropologist Britt Kramvig and filmmaker Rachel Gomez followed by Skype Q&A with Britt Kramvig

May 6, 2019 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Oxford Brookes University, John Henry Brookes Building, Room 208 (Chakrabarti Lecture Theatre)
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford Brookes University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Brookes Centre for Global Politics, Economy and Society

We are delighted to invite to a documentary film-screening of the film Dreamland, followed by a Skype Q&A with one of the film-makers, Professor Britt Kramvig.

The film: Viewed through the camera lens of a philosopher, it is inspired by a line from “Dreamland” by romantic poet Edgar Allan Poe “…by a route obscure and lonely, haunted by ill angels only…” A journey through people-places in Arctic landscapes is made by the figure of a native anthropologist. She follows in the footsteps of many others, recounting experience. Viewers glimpse moments of a sublime, the subject of Poe’s poem. The movie gives form to hopes for futures different than pasts. An essayistic documentary in the form of a twenty-first century Arctic road-movie by professor Britt Kramvig (UiT) and filmmaker Rachel Gomez (Tromsø). Trailer: