The Socialist Baby – The infant’s contribution to early years policy

November 12, 2014 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The Maison Francaise
2-10 Norham Road
Oxford, Oxford OX2 6SE
OXPIP - Oxford Parent-infant project
01865 778034

The more that infants are studied – by psychoanalytical or anthropological observation or in laboratory conditions – the more sophisticated their social and psychological capacities appear. I want to use some of this knowledge to make a stronger case for national policy investment in the early years: to support the development of small children, alongside the skills of all who look after them in the context of a “neighbourhood around the child”.

Dr Sebastian Kraemer FRCP, FRCPsych, FRCPCH is a consultant emergency and liaison child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Whittington Hospital, London and an honorary consultant at the Tavistock Clinic, London where he worked as a clinician and trainer for 25 years. He writes and lectures on paediatric mental health liaison; the role of fathers from anthropological and modern social perspectives; family therapy, psychoanalysis and therapeutic change; the fragility of the developing male; dynamics of professional groups; attachment and inequality in social policy.

£20 including a glass of wine. Doors open 18.00
For tickets visit: or phone the Oxboffice Hotline 0845 680 1926