Professor Lord Krebs – Feeding the 9 billion

October 31, 2013 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
The Chemistry Centre
Burlington House
Piccadilly, London, Greater London W1J 0BD
The Royal Society of Chemistry

The world population is projected to grow to 9-10 billion people by 2050 and food production will have to increase by at least 80% to meet growing demand. At the moment around one in six people on earth are not getting enough to eat or not enough of critical nutrients, while a similar number are overweight or obese as a result of eating too much. Is the answer to ending hunger therefore to redistribute food? Or is it to rely on new technologies including genetic modification of crops? Or does it depend on us all becoming vegetarians?

In this lecture Professor Lord Krebs, an internationally renowned scientist in the field of behavioural ecology, will explain the impact of the rising world population and the challenge of increasing food production to meet the growing demand.

Joint lecture with the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI).