Innovation in materials

November 11, 2013 @ 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Royal Academy of Engineering
3 Carlton House Terrace
City of Westminster, SW1Y 5DG
Philippa Shelton
020 7766 0682

orange reflective nanotube structure on whiteA conference highlighting the latest innovations in advanced materials

Chair: Sir John Parker GBE FREng, President, Royal Academy of Engineering
Keynote speaker: Professor Mark Miodownik, materials scientist and engineer, broadcaster and writer

Materials innovation is set to play an important part in solving many grand challenges in energy security, sustainability and health. New material technologies underpin vital industrial competitiveness and innovation across all sectors with demand rapidly growing for materials that are sustainable across a product’s life cycle.

Uncertainty about the future availability of energy and raw materials can drive up the cost of materials for a wide range of businesses. The UK, with its strong research and development base, is in prime position to enhance existing materials through design and to bring new products to market faster.

UK businesses that produce, process, fabricate and recycle materials currently have an annual turnover of around £197 billion and form a critical element in the high-value manufacturing supply chain.

This latest in the Academy’s “Innovation in…” series of events will give an overview of some of the most recent advances in materials. It will showcase applications that have reached society or are expected to in the next five to 10 years. Guests will be able to discuss the applications and the implications of these materials both for engineering and society at large.