2 Park Road
Marylebone, London NW1 4SH
The start of what we know as the Platonic tradition can be traced back to many centuries before Plato, and still lives today.
The evening will begin with a short summary of the essential ideas embedded in the tradition, and then move on to a survey of its long history. This will include its emergence from the age of myth-telling, through the era of the pre-socratics, the school of Pythagoras, and onto its flowering as Socrates and Plato himself brought their genius to bear upon the pursuit of wisdom. We will look at how the tradition developed in the following centuries, and consider its second great flowering under the guidance of Plotinus, Proclus, Damascius and the other late Platonist (sometimes misleading called neoplatonists). Finally we will see how the tradition was recovered from the centuries of its neglect by such figures as Marsilio Ficino and Thomas Taylor, and how it lives on today.
Entrance in free, but donations between £3-5 will be welcomed.
More details on the Prometheus Trust’s website: www.prometheustrust.co.uk