Women at the top: time for quotas

January 20, 2016 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Methodist Central Hall Westminster
Storey's Gate
Westminster, London SW1H 9NH
Fawcett Society

A lively debate discussing the role quotas can have in evening the playing field for women at the top – how can we speed up progress?

Should we be enforcing a 50:50 gender balance with quotas, or is the voluntary approach the only way to achieve lasting culture change?

Chaired by Darshna Soni, Channel 4 News, with Charlotte Proudman, feminist barrister and fearless campaigner for women’s rights, Heather Jackson, Executive Chair and Founder of An Inspirational Journey, Seema Malhotra, Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Anne Francke, CEO of the CMI and Damian Lyons Lowe from Survation, who will also be presenting the fascinating findings from our latest public opinion poll.