St Paul's Cathedral (SK)
London EC4M
John Pritchard calls Easter ‘the most astonishing day in the history of the world, shattering our closed minds and throwing open the windows of eternity’. But while we keep – or attempt to keep – Lent fastidiously, for many of us the fifty-day season of Easter is, curiously, harder to sustain. But he says that at the very ground of our being we are ‘an Easter people, and alleluia is our song’ and asks, what would it mean to let the glory of Easter illumine our everyday lives? He will explore the great transforming miracle of the Resurrection, and offer practical suggestions for how we might keep the season and embed resurrection in our year-round lives of faith.
John Pritchard was Bishop of Oxford until 2014, and is the author of many books on the Christian life, including Living Easter through the Year (SPCK).