Heroes of Neurons: Sound & Vision

March 14, 2016 @ 6:30 pm
City University London
Rhind Building
Heroes of Neurons

Guest speaker Professor Jamie Ward from Sussex University will talk about his research into synaesthesia.

In natural environments, individual senses are rarely stimulated in isolation. As a result of this, the brain is tuned to integrate different sensory inputs to guide behaviour. Moreover, stimulation of only one sense often modulates activity in brain regions supporting other senses and, in some people, results in perceptual experiences in that other sense (e.g. seeing sounds) – a phenomenon termed synaesthesia.

Free drinks and snacks.

Events across Europe for Brain Awareness Week run from 14th to 20th March. Out of 79 applications for funding, ours at City is 1 of 36 in 23 European countries to be selected by FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) for support by The Dana Foundation.

Room DLG19 in the Rhind Building