Faith Seeking Understanding: A Beginner’s Guide to Theology

November 18, 2017 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
St Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Churchyard
London EC4M
Jen Powell
020 7246 8337

What is theology? One classic definition is St Augustine’s that it is simply “faith seeking understanding”.

It’s easy to think of theology belonging in universities, but Sharon Prentis suggests that we are all theologians. Theology is about exploring the mystery of God in ways that nourish and deepen our lives of faith, and thinking theologically begins with a dynamic engagement with the living God, starting from whoever and wherever we are in our everyday lives. In this workshop, she will introduce us to ways of thinking theologically that will turn us towards God with enthusiasm and love.

The Revd Dr Sharon Prentis is the Beginning Theology Course Coordinator at St Mellitus College, London. She has degrees in Social Sciences, Anthropology and Theology, is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a member of the National Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns, as well as serving in a parish in East London.