Fighting Stigma in Mental Health – and losing

March 7, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Safra Lecture Theatre, King's College London
London WC2R 2LS
King's College

1 in 4 people suffer from mental illness’ is routinely used in anti-stigma campaigns to normalise psychiatric disorder. However, does it trivialise, not normalise, and add to stigma? Professor David is joined by a panel with diverse perspectives: from personal experience and charities to media and academia. With the audience’s help they will explore innovative solutions to combat stigma.

This prestigious lecture series will be inaugurated in February 2018 and will be held annually. A distinguished speaker will address a major theme in modern society in three integrated lectures.

Anthony David is Professor of Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, NIHR Senior Investigator and Vice Dean Academic Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s.

Professor David qualified in medicine at Glasgow University and worked as a registrar in Neurology before taking up psychiatry training at the Maudsley Hospital in 1984.

He has been a consultant psychiatrist in the NHS since 1990. His research contributions span from schizophrenia to hysteria. He has published over 550 scientific papers and co-edited 13 books.

Professor David is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Psychiatrists.