96 Euston Rd
Kings Cross, London NW1 2DB
Do the benefits of collecting vast quantities of electronic health data outweigh potential costs to patient privacy and security?
According to many, recent health data initiatives such as care.data and the 100,000 Genomes Project will help to improve patient diagnosis, efficiently utilise healthcare funding and boost academic research to the overall benefit of society. However, concerns have been raised regarding the safe, practical and ethical use of personal health data. For example:
• Can the NHS efficiently use this data to its potential?
• Who will have access and can it be hacked or sold to insurance companies –will this lead to discrimination?
• Can a person truly consent to their data being used in research?
• What is the best way of informing the public how their data may be used?
Come and discuss these issues and more with our expert panel: Professor Liam Smeeth (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) Sam Smith (MedConfidential) and Peter Knight (Department of Health). The discussion will be chaired by Sharmila Nebhrajani OBE (Chair of the Human Tissue Authority and Director of External Affairs at the Medical Research Council). Light refreshments will also be provided.