London EC1R 3GA
The Freedom of Information Act (2000) obliges public authorities to publish certain information, and empowers members of the public to request information from these bodies. The act has allowed journalists to expose misuse of public funds, has been used the most by members of the public, and has been described by the former Head of the Civil Service Lord Kerslake as “a mature piece of law which has stood the test of time.”
On Thursday 17 March, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) will host a panel discussion on Freedom of Information sponsored by Article 19. The debate will address issues around what limits there should be to the right to information.The event will be Chaired by David Souter, Managing Director at ict Development and Senior Visiting Fellow in Media and Communications at London School of Economics (LSE), and will include Maurice Frankel, Director of the Campaign for Freedom of Information, and Steve Wood, the Head of Policy Delivery for the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
The event is free and open to all, tickets are available to book below. The debate will be followed by a reception.