Rhind Building
Back by popular demand! The public becomes the inquiring body, participating in the delivery of a swing Q&A.
An interactive evening of informal Q&A in which the audience get the chance to ask questions to each of our speakers (listed below) in dynamic 3 minute slots…
Ramiro Joly-Mascherioni
# contagious yawning
# action perception
# mirror neurons
Dr Ira Konstaninou
# cross-race bias
# eye-witness testimony
# infrahumanization
Dr Richard Cook
# face blindness
# facial recognition
# prosopagnosia
Dr Iasonas Triantis
# brain stimulation
# neural sensors
# neuroprostheses
Free drinks and snacks.
Events across Europe for Brain Awareness Week run from 14th to 20th March. Out of 79 applications for funding, ours at City is 1 of 36 in 23 European countries to be selected by FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) for support by The Dana Foundation.