Landgrabbers: who owns the planet?

December 3, 2013 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
City Lit (Room 113)
1 Keeley Street
London WC2B
City Lit Winter Lecture Series
020 7492 2674

200314109-001A huge land grab is going on round the world – the world’s richest and most acquisitive countries, corporations and individuals are buying and leasing foreign fields in Africa, South East Asia, South America and Eastern Europe.
The raiders are the super-rich sovereign funds of Gulf oil sheikhdoms, Chinese entrepreneurs, jumpy governments worried about food security, and financial speculators looking for the next big new thing. The victims are the poor peasants and pastoralists, whose title to the land they work is uncertain and whose power to prevent their governments selling it is very small.
In this talk, author and journalist, Fred Pearce will talk about meeting the land grabbers and the people they claim will benefit from their investments. He asks: Is this just? Will it feed the world or wreck the lives of the poorest and hungriest?