St Paul's Cathedral (SK)
London EC4M
Eve Poole and Angus Ritchie
St Paul’s Cathedral
Tuesday 12 April
6.30 – 8.00pm
The Kingdom of God means heaven on earth – God’s perfect reign of love, justice and peace – and it’s not something we necessarily associate with money. But money is one of the most powerful forces in the world, and how we use ours can work towards the Kingdom of God, or against it. This evening two activist-theologians will offer a vision of what a kingdom of God’s love might look like right here, right now and how our personal choices can bring its reality closer. They will include insight and suggestions both for our own financial choices, and for how we can influence corporations and government to use their money for good.
Dr Eve Poole teaches at Ashridge Business School, where her focus is on leadership, learning, emotional intelligence and ethics. Previously she worked for Deloitte Consulting in the financial services industry and the Church Commissioners. Her latest book is Capitalism’s Toxic Assumptions: Redefining Next Generation Economics (Bloomsbury).
Canon Dr Angus Ritchie is the Director of the Centre for Theology and Community in London’s East End. He has ministered in inner-city parishes involved in community organising since 1998, and is currently Priest-in-Charge at St George-in-the-East. He is the co-author of Just Love: Personal and Social Transformation in Christ (Instant Apostle).