How To Run The Most Effective Charity In The World

December 5, 2013 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Lecture Theatre 145, Huxley Building
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ

London is home to two of the three most effective charities in the world, as ranked by GiveWell. They’ve never been put in a room together- until now. Join the African Development Project to discuss just what makes an effective charity with the directors of GiveWell’s #1 and #3 best charities in the world and the director of the UK organisation that’s promoting evidence based charities.

The speakers:

Rob Mather is director of The Against Malaria Foundation, named the most effective charity in the world by GiveWell this year. Rob has a degree in Engineering from Cambridge and an MBA from Harvard, having started life in strategy consulting, event management and publishing before founding AMF.

Caroline Fiennes is director of Giving Evidence, a charity dedicated to promoting evidence based giving and providing advice to some of the biggest donors in the UK. Caroline is also the author of “It Ain’t What You Give It’s The Way That You Give It”, called “the Freakonomics of the charity world” and used by donors large and small to advise their work.

Prof. Alan Fenwick OBE is director of the SCI (Schistosomiasis Control Initiative), named the third most effective charity in the world by GiveWell this year. Alan is a professor of parasitology at Imperial. He founded the SCI in 2002, who this year delivered their 100 millionth treatment against parasitic worms.

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