The soul – living knowledge

February 13, 2017 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Cecil Sharp House
2 Regent's Park Rd
London NW1 7AY
£3-5 don
Tim Addey
01373 228195

The soul in the Platonic tradition – a bringer of life and a seeker after knowledge?

What is the soul? What powers does it possess? And what is its path?

For Plato the soul is the very self – it carries within itself life and implicit knowledge: we live according to our knowledge, and we know according to our life. The discovery of the truths that lie more or less hidden within the self through the attempt to life a good and just life is, for the sages of the Platonic tradition, also the discovery of the divine substratum of the universe.

After a brief talk introducing some of Plato’s concepts about the soul and its powers, we will read passages from the writings of the great Platonist Thomas Taylor and discuss the powers the soul possesses which enable it to live and know.

A downloadable file (PDF) of the text we will use is available on the Prometheus Trust’s website – go the “London Monday Evenings” page.

No previous experience of formal philosophy is required.

Entrance in free, but donations between £3-5 will be welcomed.

Further details of this and other Prometheus Trust’s activities: (forthcoming lectures/discussion evenings are listed on the “London Monday Evenings” page.)