The Bad Christian’s Manifesto: Reinventing God w/@goodluker

July 5, 2015 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
St Paul's Cathedral, Crypt
St. Paul's Churchyard
St. Paul's Cathedral, London EC4M 8AD
St Paul's Forum

The Bad Christian’s Manifesto: Reinventing God (and other modest proposals)

Dave Tomlinson is the author of the best-selling “How to be a bad Christian… and a better human being”. His new book puts forward the modest proposal of ‘reinventing God’ – shaking up our settled ideas of what God is, and where we might find him or her. He writes ‘After a lifetime of seeking to know God better, the most important thing I have discovered is that we cannot find God. God was never lost. And we were never lost to God. God is everywhere, named or unnamed, recognised or unrecognised, bidden or unbidden’. His manifesto for a bad Christian’s good life includes keeping faith with doubt, making a virtue of pleasure, and finding heaven in the ordinary things of life.

Dave Tomlinson is the Vicar of the thriving parish of St Luke’s Holloway and the founder of Holy Joe’s, a church in a pub for disaffected churchgoers. He is the author of the highly influential books The Post-Evangelical and Re-Enchanting Christianity as well as his two ‘Bad Christian’ books.