Truly Alive: an exploration of authentic desire

January 22, 2014 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
The White House
Kentish Town
London NW5
Sacred Pleasures

At Sacred Pleasures we believe that those who truly know their pleasure are happier, kinder, more abundant beings. Being true to ourselves is the key to living a wholesome life: we need to know our own desires before we can begin pleasing others, otherwise we remain resentful and our suppressed frustration comes out in subtle, underhand ways. By contrast when we stay true to our authentic desire we improve our relationship with ourselves and feel more alive.

These beliefs sit uncomfortably with received wisdom. We’re taught that to be good people we should be kind, gentle and loving to others. In many religious and spiritual teachings (including humanism) we’re told that this is the path to happiness. Yet in practice pleasing others often means abandoning ourselves. How do we resolve this apparent paradox so we can embody the love that we are? And what is the role of presence in all of this?

In this talk Sacred Pleasures founder London Faerie explores the theme of authentic desire and its role in our personal growth.