The Wyon Family

October 24, 2013 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
The Chapel Highgate Cemetery West
Swain's Lane
London Borough of Camden, London N6 6QX
Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust
0208 340 1834

Benjamin Wyon portraitThe Wyon family dominated the design and production of medals, coins and seals in nineteenth-century Britain. Renowned around the world for their engraving skills, their commissions included official government works as well as many private medals for institutions and individuals. Together these works document a broad spectrum of life in Victorian England.  This talk given by Philip Attwood Keeper of the British Museum’s Department of Coins and Medals, will focus on the works of this extensive family, of whom two members, Benjamin Wyon (1802-58) and his son Alfred Benjamin Wyon (1837-84), are buried here at Highgate.

Doors open at 7pm and wine will be served. The talk starts promptly at 7.30pm and will last about an hour.