Attract the Most Talented People to your Business w/@LaszloBock2718

May 18, 2015 @ 6:45 pm – 8:00 pm
Emmanuel Centre
Emmanuel Centre
9-23 Marsham Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3DW
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Google receives more than two million unique job applications a year. Now, Laszlo Bock, the innovative head of their People Operations has written the ultimate guide to attracting the most talented to your business and how to ensure that the best and brightest succeed.

WORK RULES! is a blueprint of how Google went from a small search engine to a global company of over 50,000 employees without losing its culture and core values. Laszlo Bocks visionary methods have transformed how Silicon Valley harnesses the greatest talent on the planet and in this discussion with Matthew Taylor he will explain how you can do it too.

His groundbreaking, counter-intuitive look at 21st century hiring, includes:

Take away managers’ power over employees At Google, the decisions to hire, fire or promote are decided by committee. Removing this authority from a single manager safeguards against abuse of power.

Make the most of your best AND worst employees The bottom 5% of employees represent the biggest opportunity to improve overall performance. WORK RULES! shows you how.

Don’t trust your gut It is a well-known adage that the first five minutes of an interview determine the likelihood of success. It shouldn’t. WORK RULES! shows how to overcome these unconscious biases.

Default to transparency A manager must be unafraid to share information with his/her employees. Information sharing allows everyone to understand the differences in goals across different groups, avoiding internal rivalry. WORK RULES! shows you how to default to open