The Course, The Arts of Christianity 7/10

February 21, 2017 @ 10:45 am – 12:45 pm

Founded in 1994, THE COURSE offers art history lectures, opera and literature courses, guided museum visits and London walks.

In this series of 10 lectures, Nicole Mezey will examine how no single theme has so preoccupied the western artist as has Christianity. It is the only one of the world’s great monotheistic faiths to allow, indeed to encourage, representation, and the history, narratives and practice of the Faith are richly reflected in its art. Cherubim and chasubles, Passion and pilgrimages, Samson and St. Lucy – this course explores a range of Christian themes, some of the devotional and other forms in which they were expressed, and the experiences and ideas which inspired them.


Early Christians met in a range of available venues but, over time, buildings and trappings developed to serve the growing presence and power of the Church. In this lecture we will see how simple structures became vast basilica, churches are complemented by cathedrals, monasteries and convents – how do these reflect and serve the evolving beliefs and practice of Christianity?