The Course, Creation (Four Seasons, Festivals, Fertility) 4/15

March 8, 2017 @ 10:45 am – 12:45 pm
The Course at The University Women's Club
2 Audley Square
Mayfair, London W1K
Mary Bromley
020 7266 7815

Founded in 1994, THE COURSE offers art history lectures, opera and literature courses, guided museum visits and London walks.

This inspirationally compelling new course creates strength and variety from the vastness of its subject: the Creation of the World and everything in it as encountered by artists and writers throughout the centuries. Now we can read, look at, see what they saw from hill-top, valley-side, shore-line, doorway and windowsill across land, sea and sky: the Earth, and human life in all its glory and diversity. Each week’s programme names just some of the featured artists and writers.

Four Seasons, Festivals, Fertility Persuaded as our senses’ appetites are activated all at once by word and image, we willingly plunge into a different season’s sensual ritual of colour and celebration. Frost, Lawrence, E B Browning, Alice Oswald, Pushkin, Laurie Lee, Emily Brontë, Thomson, Neruda; Pieter Brueghel, Millet, van Gogh, Zurbaran, Cézanne, Constable, Dürer, Burne-Jones, Alma-Tadema, Poussin, Hockney.