Gathering Strength: Conversations with Afghan Women

October 13, 2013 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
London Borough of Camden, London WC1R 4RL

Peggy was inspired to begin the Afghan Women’s Project after meeting with a delegation of Afghan women who passed through Austin, Texas during the fall of 2002. The strength, humor and resiliency of these women was contrary to the media image of Afghan women as helpless victims. It inspired Peggy to create The Afghan Women’s Project in order to share other sides of Afghan women with western audiences. This project’s goal, seeking out wisdom and sources of strength from women who have experienced such repression and hardship, is one of the ways Peggy can merge her love of photography with her interest in human psychology as well as concretely benefit both Afghan women and the viewers.

Peggy Kelsey talks about her travels to Afghanistan, including some surprising things she found along the way; a children’s circus, women drivers, women studying Taekwando and basketball with male instructors and more. Scenes and stories from Kabul City, Herat and Bamiyan city and province (where the Buddha Statues were dsetroyed) give one a feel for life in these different places. Peggy will share the stories of women she met, this time including refugees, business women, parliamentarians, Afghan expats who’ve returned, a defense lawyer and youth among others. Maps and aerial shots give one a sense of place and geography. This presentation is an eye-opening and stereotype-breaking introduction to the current situation in Afghanistan.

Peggy Kelsey is a professional photographer who was inspired to begin the Afghan Women’s Project after meeting with a delegation of Afghan women who passed through Austin, Texas in 2002. She traveled to Afghanistan the following year and created a photo-documentary chronicling the narrative histories of forty women. In the spring of 2010, she revisited the country to meet additional women and gain new insights. She now travels around the US sharing her slide presentations and exhibit. Her book Gathering Strength: Conversations with Afghan Women was published in October, 2012.

11.00, £5 in advance/free to members

Tea & Coffee will be available.