News Reporting and Navigating Risk: Is Gender a Factor?

June 23, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Frontline Club
13 Norfolk Place
London W2 1QJ
Frontline Club
0207 479 8940

Every year, women journalists are killed, assaulted, threatened and defamed – all in pursuit of the truth. Many of these journalists face not only the implicit dangers of hostile environments, but cultural and social prejudices that would keep them silent.

Now more than ever, female journalists are responsible for covering the world’s most challenging hostile environments yet remain under represented in the global news media at large; identifying the types of threats women journalists face and how to address those threats is key to greater gender equality in the global news media.

News Reporting and Navigating Risk will be a moderated discussion with accomplished women journalists who have reported from hostile environments around the world about their experiences with a focus on best practices for security, emotional self care, and access to medical, mental health, and emergency resources.

Chaired by Elisa Lees Munoz, the executive director of the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF).

The panel:

Alison Baskerville is a documentary photographer, focusing on issues relating to women living in conflict around the world, including Afghanistan, Mali, Israel/Gaza and Somaliland.

Nadine Marroushi has worked for 8 years as a journalist writing about the Middle East and Africa.

Nevine Mabro is the head of foreign news and foreign films at Channel 4 News.