Oil Lives and Cultures in Iraq under the Monarchy

December 11, 2014 @ 6:30 pm
The Iraqi Cultural Centre
65-69 Shepherd's Bush Green
White City, London W12 8TX
The British Institute for the Study of Iraq
020 7969 5274 / 020 8740 6389

Since its discovery in the late 1920s, oil has been a key commodity in modern Iraq. In this talk, Dr Nelida Fuccaro, Reader in the Modern History of the Middle East (SOAS), will explore the lives and cultures of Iraq’s oil workers before the 1958 Revolution, bringing into focus the often turbulent landscape of Kirkuk and the more peaceful and positive image of the oil bonaza popularized by the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC).

Dr Fuccaro will present some of the striking press and visual materials that she has discovered in the IPC and other archives. You can also help with Dr Fuccaro’s project to collect oral histories connected to the oil industry in Iraq by sharing your stories, memories and photos during the evening.

Organised by The British Institute for the Study of Iraq and the Iraqi Cultural Centre