Philosophy in theory and practice – Plato’s Seventh Letter (2)

July 31, 2017 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Cecil Sharp House
2 Regent's Park Rd
London NW1 7AY
don £3-5
Tim Addey
01373 228195

Philosophy in theory and practice: Plato’s Seventh Letter – a talk and discussion led by Tim Addey of the Prometheus Trust.

Plato understood philosophy to be a living art – an art which addressed the inner and outer life. There is a collection of letters said to be written by Plato (a matter of controversy amongst modern scholars) which discuss his own history as well as some of his most important ideas. Over two evenings we plan to look at extracts from the Seventh Letter, which is considered to be the one most likely to be genuine, and to explore some of the profound insights it offers. Much of the Letter, like many of his Dialogues, rests upon the view that the internal constitution of an individual human has a parallel to the constitution of a State and that in both cases law and consent are to be preferred to tyranny and violence. The philosophic cultivation of virtues is the key to the happy life of the individual and of society and the letter gives much food for thought.

(this is the second of two sessions on the Seventh Letter -the first was on 3rd July – but the main points of the first session will be summarized at the beginning of tonight’s talk)

No previous experience of formal philosophy is required.

Entrance in free, but donations between £3-5 will be welcomed.

A PDF download of the extract we will be reading is available on our website together with further details of this and other Prometheus Trust’s activities: (the PDF is on the “London Monday Evenings” page.)