Plotinus on Dialectic – the path to the Good

December 4, 2017 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Cecil Sharp House
Cecil Sharp House
2 Regent's Park Rd, London NW1 7AY
Tim Addey
01373 228195

Plotinus – the philosopher who gave so much impulse to the Platonic tradition in the 3rd century CE – wrote a short treatise on dialectic which begins, “What art is there, what method or practice, which will take us up there where we must go? Where that is, that it is to the Good, the First Principle, we can take as agreed and established by many demonstrations; and the demonstrations themselves were a kind of leading up on our way.” In other words, the very act of dialectically exploring the ultimate goal of the philosophic life gives us a path towards it, in just the same way as exploring the possibilities of harmony in the making of music leads us to harmony itself.

In this session we’ll look at most of the second half of Plotinus’ treatise on dialectic (Ennead I, 3) and explore the profundities it contains – how the movement of the method of dialectic can lead to the stillness of contemplation, and how it can bring about a transformation of the life and the self.

No previous experience of formal philosophy is required.

Entrance in free, but donations between £3-5 will be welcomed.

A PDF download of the extract we will be reading is available on our website together with further details of this and other Prometheus Trust’s activities: (the PDF is on the “London Monday Evenings” page.)