Teach us to Pray: The Lord’s Prayer

October 17, 2015 @ 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
St Paul's Cathedral
St. Paul's Churchyard
St. Paul's Cathedral, London EC4M 8AD
Adult Learning at St Paul's Cathedral

The Lord’s Prayer is at the heart of our faith. It teaches us not only how to pray but how to live, but it can become so familiar that we find ourselves simply running through the words without engaging with their radical call for a new world of justice and lives of faith. In this afternoon, we will explore its profound and life-enhancing meanings, and how we might reconnect with one of the foundation stones of Christian life.

Nicolas Stebbing is a monk in the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, and the Founder-Director of Tariro UK, a charity transforming the lives of orphaned children in Zimbabwe (tarirouk.com).

Cost £15 per workshop, bursaries available. The afternoons will take place in City churches close to St Paul’s Cathedral; details will be sent with bookings. Bursaries are available for those for whom the charge would make it difficult to attend: please contact us for details.